Journal of Singing - On Point

Journal of Singing On Point is a series of articles which highlight relevant topics in the field of voice teaching. We encourage non-members to browse these items free of charge. If you would like to receive the complete "Journal of Singing," please consider subscribing. These volumes serve as a key reference source in your office, studio or library.




JOS On Point

Developing a Vocal Manual Therapy Intervention for the Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux in Professional Voice Users: A Pilot Study of Two Elite Singers
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is an inflammatory condition characterized by the backflow of gastric contents in the larynx, pharynx, and upper aerodigestive track. An estimated 4-6% of patients who visit ENT clinics present with LPR symptoms, and comorbidity with voice disorders is common. British voice practitioners and researchers Lydia Flock and Stephen King, in their article “Developing a Vocal Manual Therapy Intervention for the Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux in Professional Voice Users: A Pilot Study of Two Elite Singers,” appearing in the May/June issue of the Journal of Singing, extends existing research and details the development of a vocal manual therapy intervention specifically designed for use with professional voice users, also providing preliminary evidence of the potential effectiveness of manual therapy in reducing elite singer LPR symptoms.
JOS-079-5-2023-593.pdf (application/pdf, 606.6 K) posted at 2:38 PM, May 8, 2023
Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater
In the May/June issue of the Journal of Singing, veteran singing teacher and speech-language pathologist Deirdre D. (“D.D.”) Michael urges singing teachers and researchers: “Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater.” Michael reminds us of the “muscular basis for register adjustment,” explaining that some pedagogues may be concentrating on resonance adjustments to produce a particular quality “without adequate attention to balanced muscle use.” Michael’s article provides context for pedagogic consideration of register adjustment as well as audio examples of what can happen if muscular balance is not optimized during singing training for all genres.
JOS-080-5-2024-543.pdf (application/pdf, 1020.1 K) posted at 3:04 PM, June 3, 2024
Editor’s Commentary
With his final “Editor’s Commentary” column in his capacity as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Singing, published in the May/June issue of the periodical, Dr. Richard Sjoerdsma pens a valedictory entitled “Ade!” In it, Sjoerdsma muses over a few of many editorial highlights of his 22-year career, offers thanks to many who played significant roles in his journey, and expresses confidence in the future of the journal. The issue also contains a salute to retiring contributors, and a tribute page “Celebrating Richard ‘Dick’ Sjoerdsma.”
JOS_Final_Editor_s_Commentary_2023.pdf (application/pdf, 855.3 K) posted at 2:03 PM, May 8, 2023
Editor’s Commentary on World Voice Day
Each year, the March/April issue of the Journal of Singing honors World Voice Day, an international event commemorated annually on April 16. In the current issue, retiring Editor in Chief Richard Dale Sjoerdsma devotes his “Editor’s Commentary” column to the WVD 2023 theme, “Your Voice Matters.” Dr. Sjoerdsma argues that, beyond the care and nurture of the voice in its physical and spiritual dimensions, one cannot effectively separate that theme “Your Voice Matters” from what matters in life. What matters in life is love, and a corollary to the WVD 23 theme may be to love your voice and share it with love.
JOS-079-4-2023-433.pdf (application/pdf, 369.9 K) posted at 10:50 AM, April 11, 2023
Editor’s Commentary Sept/Oct 2023
In the September/October issue of the Journal of Singing, new Editor in Chief Lynn Helding introduces readers to exciting changes in her inaugural “Editor’s Commentary.” The “Vocal Point” has evolved from a print-only column to a hybrid print-plus-video format under new associate editor Melissa Treinkman, whose interviews with established singers in a variety of genres are posted on the NATS YouTube channel. Pianists Alison d’Amato and Elvia Puccinelli are the first team of joint associate editors to assume the collaborative piano column “Collaborations,” and David Meyer and John Nix launch their new column, “Practical Voice Science.” For budding academic writers, the journal’s “Mentored Writing Initiative” and the “Richard Sjoerdsma Excellence in Writing Award” are announced.
JOS-080-1-2023-007.pdf (application/pdf, 176.6 K) posted at 2:07 PM, October 9, 2023

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