NATS National Committee Assignments and Appointments



Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Diana Allan, Past President
Randy Umstead, President-Elect
Alisa Belflower, Vice President for Auditions
Liliana Guerrero, Vice President for Membership
Nick Perna, Vice President for Outreach
Kevin Wilson, Vice President for Workshops
Holly Bewlay, Secretary/Treasurer
Allen Henderson, Executive Director (ex-officio)

The Executive Committee consists of all nationally elected officers of NATS. The Executive Director shall serve as a non-voting member. This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Board and shall assume powers and duties as deemed necessary and delegated to it by the Board, to which it shall be responsible. In particular, the committee conducts performance evaluations of the executive director, administers the awards program, and reviews progress on board goals and objectives. A sub-committee makes recommendations for budget planning, reviews recommendations regarding organizational structure and staff, and approves the agenda for board meetings.


Diana Allan, Past President, Chair
Lisa Brillon, Great Lakes Region Governor
Ruth Ellis
Phillip Harris
Mark Kano
San-ky Kim
Marcia Porter
Yvonne Gonzales Redman
Rebecca Salter, Southeastern Region Governor

The Nominating Committee is responsible for the nomination of persons to fill the offices of President–Elect, Vice Presidents, and Secretary/Treasurer. The committee will review key qualifications for the duties of offices, and conduct interviews.


Liliana Guerrero, Vice President for Membership, Chair
Sarah Holman, International Region Governor
Vindhya Khare
Serena LaRoche, Mid-Atlantic Region Governor
Ayumi Nakamae
Ellie Seligmann, NSA Commercial Music Coordinator
Caroline Schiller, Canadian Atlantic Providences District Membership Director
Nicholas Shaneyfelt
Richard Weidlich
Georgeanne Yehling
Nicholas Perna, Vice President for Outreach (ex-officio)
Randall Umstead, President-Elect (ex-officio)
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President (ex-officio)     

The Membership Committee will work to promote, recruit, and retain members, by evaluating current practice, exploring new ideas, and recommending future goals. In particular, they will work with chapter officers, encouraging them to sponsor activities that attract new members, and gather information at the “grass roots” level to address successes and issues related to membership.           


Holly Bewlay, Secretary/Treasurer (ex-officio), Chair
Jeffrey Carter, Central Region Governor
Samuel Handley
Josh Krugman
Gale Odom
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President (ex-officio)
Allen Henderson, Executive Director (ex-officio)

The Investment Advisory Committee is responsible for studying and recommending the investment of surplus funds and advising on the condition of funds in trust. 


Lynn Helding, Editor-in-Chief

Voice Pedagogy and Repertoire
Stephen F. Austin
Kenneth Bozeman
Kimberly Broadwater
Debra Greschner
Judith Nicosia
John Nix
Elvia Puccinelli
Trineice Robinson-Martin

Voice Medicine and Health
Michael M. Johns III
Wendy LeBorgne
Deirdre Michael
Lindsay S. Reder
Robert Sataloff
Mark A. Williams

Psychology and Cognitive Science
Lynn Maxfield
Elisa Monti

Voice Science
Stephen Austin
Kenneth Bozeman
Joshua D. Glasner
Christian Herbst
David Meyer
John Nix
David Okerlund

Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
Richard Sjoerdsma

The Editorial Board conducts peer review and assists the Editor in all matters pertinent to the publication of the Journal.


Sarah Holman, International Region Governor, Interim Chair
Sonya Baker
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President (ex-officio)
Charles Moore
Rebecca Pieper, Eastern Region Governor
Patricia Toledo

The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee shall be the resolution of alleged violations of the Code of Ethics, and resolution of cases involving a Member’s conduct alleged to be detrimental to the welfare and best interests of the Association.


Randall Umstead, President-Elect, Chair
Lisa Brillon, Great Lakes Region Governor
Jennifer Kay
Claire Vangelisti, Southern Region Governor
Kevin Hanrahan
Kevin Wilson, Vice President for Workshops
Kelly Balmaceda, NATS Director of Events and Programs
Jen Jimenez, NATS Development Director

New to Standing Committees per Bylaws Revision 2024: A Strategic Plan Steering Committee shall be appointed by the President. Its purpose shall be to oversee the implementation, and monitoring of the Association Strategic Plan. The committee shall include representation from relevant stakeholders including board members, standing and other committee members, district leaders, and NATS staff. 



NATS Artist Awards — NATSAA
Danielle Talamantes, NATSAA Coordinator
Alisa Belflower, Vice President for Auditions
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Allen Henderson, Executive Director
Mark McQuade, Competitions and Auditions Coordinator
Kelly Balmaceda, Director of Events and Programs
Jen Jimenez, Development Director 

NATS National Musical Theatre Competition — NMTC
Sue Matsuki, Chair
Alisa Belflower, Vice President for Auditions, Coordinator
Mark McQuade, Competitions and Auditions Coordinator
Frank Ragsdale
Katie Travis
Cassie Okenka
Matt Redmond
Tiffan Borelli
Lisa Reagan Love
Catherine McDaniel
Kelly Gabrielle Murphy
Bob Bryan
Allen Henderson, Executive Director
Kelly Balmaceda, Director of Events and Programs
Jen Jimenez, Development Director
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President 

Barbara Hill Moore Emerging Teaching Artist Award — METAA
Barbara Hill Moore
Bronwen Forbay
Jeanai LaVita
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Allen Henderson, Executive Director
Mark McQuade, Competitions and Auditions Coordinator
Kelly Balmaceda, Director of Events and Programs
Jen Jimenez, Development Director
Alisa Belflower, Vice President for Auditions 

National Student Auditions Regulations Committee — NSA
Dan Johnson-Wilmot, NSA Coordinator, Chair
Alisa Belflower, Vice President for Auditions
Mark McQuade, Competitions and Auditions Coordinator
Ellie Seligmann, NSA Commercial Music Coordinator 
Allen Henderson, Executive Director
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Karen Brunssen
Frank Ragsdale
Robert Wells
Everett McCorvey
Carole Blankenship
Michael Preacely
Noel Smith 


NSA Comments Panel

Dan Johnson-Wilmot, NSA Coordinator, Chair
Jerry Elsbernd
Mark Kano
Julie Wieck 


Musical Theatre Panel

Dan Johnson-Wilmot, NSA Coordinator, Chair
Alisa Belflower, VP for Auditions
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Edrie Means Weekly
Mary Saunders Barton
Noel Smith 


American Negro Spirituals Panel

Marcìa Porter, Chair
Alisa Belflower, VP for Auditions
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Barbara Hill Moore
Dan Johnson-Wilmot, NSA Coordinator
Everett McCorvey
Rosalyn Wright Floyd 

Children & Youth Panel

Karen Brunssen, Chair
Alisa Belflower, VP for Auditions
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Dan Johnson-Wilmot, NSA Coordinator
David Mannell
Dana Lentini
Nikki Loney
Heidi Wylie 

 Commercial Music Panel

Ellie Seligmann, NSA Commercial Music Coordinator, Chair
Alisa Belflower, VP for Auditions
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Lyndia "Miz Lyndia" Johnson
Dan Johnson-Wilmot, NSA Coordinator
Trineice Robinson-Martin
Noel Smith
John Weston 


Carol Mikkelsen, Chair
Lori Laitman, Advisor
Mark McQuade, Competitions and Auditions Coordinator

The Auditions and Competitions Committees will oversee each of the programs above. Liaisons may assemble working groups of members to help carry out related projects, or the duties of the particular audition or competition. 


David Meyer, Co-Chair                           
John Nix, Co-Chair                                 
Noel Archambault, ACDA Representative
Stephen F. Austin
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President (ex-officio)
Joshua Glasner
Lynn Helding, Pedagogy Subcommittee Chair
Matthew Hoch
Ian Howell
Aaron Johnson, Vocapedia Monitor
Filipa M.B. Lã
Wendy LeBorgne
Deirdre D. Michael
David Okerlund
Nandhu Radhakrishnan
Mary Sandage
Robert Sataloff
Leda Scearce
Ron Scherer
Katherine Verdolini Abbott
Mark Williams                                       

Thomas Cleveland
Scott McCoy
Ingo Titze

Recognizing that the science of voice production underlies historical and modern singing instruction, encouraging healthy vocalism and free artistic expression, the charge of the NATS Voice Science Advisory Committee (VSAC) is to promote and disseminate voice science and related information through NATS resources to the membership of NATS. The committee purview will include but not be limited to:


  • Reviewing voice science and medical submissions, at the discretion of the Journal of Singing Editor-in-Chief, submitted to the JOS editorial review board.
  • Reviewing select articles in the renamed “Science and Technology” Journal of Singing column at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief and VSAC co-chairs who manage the column as associate editors.
  • Reviewing all NATS conference proposals identified as voice science, voice health, and science-informed voice pedagogy for NATS biennial national conferences.


  • Providing and managing vetted educational and historical materials on the science of voice production and vocal health through the NATS online repository, Vocapedia.


  • Encouraging and facilitating research on the singing voice through referral to experts and information on research design, funding, and publication.


  • Recommending awards related to voice science and vocal health to individuals and organizations, including collaborative recognition with other voice associations (e.g., The Voice Foundation, ASHA, PAVA, VASTA).

 Liaisons may assemble working groups of members to help carry out related projects, or the duties of the particular audition or competition. See additional volunteers here:  


Karen Brunssen, Chair
Carole Blankenship
Felicia Betts, Region Development Liaison Coordinator
Dan Johnson-Wilmot, NSA Coordinator
Nick Klein
Jill Terhar Lewis
Lorna MacDonald
Catherine McDaniel
Wendy Mullen
Jordyn Palmer, Region Development Liaison Coordinator
Frank Ragsdale
Kari Ragan
Linda Snyder
Jen Jimenez, Director of Development
Allen Henderson, Executive Director
Nicholas Perna, Vice President for Outreach
Holly Bewlay, Secretary/Treasurer
Randall Umstead, President-Elect
Diana Allan, Past President
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President 

Region Development Liaisons
Sarah Wigley, Central Region
Barbara Hill Moore, Texoma Region
Wendy Mullen, Mid-South Region
Indra Thomas, Southeastern Region
John DeHaan, North Central Region
Melissa Schiel, Intermountain Region
Vacant, Cal-Western Region
Andrea Wells, Great Lakes Region 
Christina Haldane, New England Region
Shelby VanNordstrand, West Central Region
Jaclyn Surso, Mid-Atlantic Region
Angy McGann, Northwestern Region
Felicia Betts, Eastern Region
Candice Aipperspach, Southern Region
Vacant, International Region 

The Advancement Committee will be guided by the NATS Strategic Plan as they advance the goals of the National Association of Teachers of Singing to “increase contributed income by broadening the NATS culture of philanthropy and refining the advancement and development function throughout the organization.”  The committee will work with the Development Director, the Executive Director, and the President to a) identify funding sources, and b) develop leadership roles, protocols, and processes to increasing member engagement in contributing to the continued success and impact of NATS for its members and the broader arts community.


Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Jen Jimenez, Development Director
Albert Lee
Brian Leeper
Mark Webster

Chair to be determined. Seeking Members-at-large through a national call for nominations

The Arts Advocacy Committee will support the Association’s mission of advancing excellence in singing through teaching, performance, scholarship, and research by educating government officials, business leaders, educators, and philanthropists on the importance of funding programs which support singing and its positive impacts on education, economics, and cross-cultural relations. Through partnerships with state and national arts affiliates, the Arts Advocacy Committee will strive to strengthen the important work which NATS members accomplish every day in classrooms, onstage, and in studios by advocating for public and private-sector resources on the local, state, and national levels.

NATS I.D.E.A. Committee: Equitable Action and Belonging

The NATS I.D.E.A. Committee is responsible for leading NATS efforts to achieve the commitments of the Association as delineated in the NATS Diversity and Inclusion Statement. This committee is charged with facilitating organizational movement and culture change toward belongingness in the form of concrete content, policy, and procedure change. Chair to be determined. Seeking additional Members-at-large representing remaining regions through a national call for nominations. 


Sarah Holman, International Region Governor, Chair
Diana Allan, Past President
Carole Blankenship
*Jean-Yves Bosse-Vidal, AFPC-EVTA France Executive Board
Karen Brunssen
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Jennifer Erickson, Cal-Western Region Governor
*Yanik Giroux, Northwestern Region Governor
Sandra Oberoi, International Region Governor-Elect 
Nicholas Perna, Vice President for Outreach
*Ellen Pieterse, EVTA Executive Board
*Susan Yarnall-Monks, EVTA Executive Board 

International Advisory Panel
Daniel Cabena
Bronwen Forbay
Lori McCann
Carolyn Sebron
Scott Swope 

The International Initiatives Committee will work together to encourage mutually beneficial musical and pedagogical relationships, experiences, and connectivity with established international voice associations, other voice-oriented organizations, their members, and others. An International Advisory Panel of members with international perspectives will support the committee as needed. Current goals for this committee include updating the charge and evaluating the effectiveness of this consortium. 


Jeanne Goffi-Fynn, Co-Chair                                   
Nick Perna, Vice President for Outreach, Co-Chair
Elizabeth Ann Benson, Conference Connections Director
Katherine Ciesinski
Lynn Martindale 
Jill Terhaar-Lewis
Derrick Thompson
Sahoko Sato Timpone
Kevin Wilson, Vice President for Workshops (ex-officio)
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President (ex-officio) 

The Mentoring Initiatives Committee will promote a spirit and culture of mentoring within NATS both on an informal ad-hoc basis and through suggested more formal ways at the Chapter, District, Region, and National levels of NATS. This committee supports mentoring experiences association wide, and supervises the NATS National Mentoring Collaborative (NNMC)Conference Connections and NATS Mentored Teaching Experience at National Workshops


Linda Snyder, Past President

The historian provides a narrative of conferences, and assists the Executive Office in collecting, describing, updating, and preserving documentary sources significant to NATS. The historian shall have access to documents and other records pertinent to the history of the Association.


Diana Allan, Past President
Randall Umstead, President-Elect
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Carissa Scroggins 
Chris Thompson 


André Chiang, Chair 

Mentoring Program for Composers
Elizabeth Avery
Tom Cipullo
Kurt Erickson
Lori Laitman
Samuel Martin, Director, Cincinnati Song Initiative
Patrice Michaels
Cory Schantz
Jen Jimenez, Development Director

Diverse Repertoire Initiatives(Formerly Advocacy)
Gregory Brookes
†Isai Jess Muñoz
†Jill Terhaar-Lewis 

Glendower Jones
Carol Mikkelsen
Darryl Taylor
Alexis Davis-Hazell, President
Allen Henderson, Executive Director (ex-officio) 

Expanding the Canon for Art Song Literature 
Sonya Baker
Megan Zuhowski
Christine Anderson
Katherine Ciesinski
Margaret Garrett
Katherine Jolly
Kathleen Kelly
Jeff Snyder 


 The Repertoire Initiatives Advisory Panel acts as a leader for brainstorming and development of NATS repertoire emphases. The panel supports the Mentoring Program for Composers, Expanding the Canon for Art Song Literature Classes, diverse repertoire initiatives, and other initiatives toward the advancement of repertoire in the association. A broad variety of genres, experiences and skill sets will be solicited from NATS membership and the field.