So You Want to Sing Barbershop: A Guide for Performers


Chapter 1  Chapters 2, 3 & 4  Chapters 5 & 6  Chapters 7 & 8  Chapter 9  

Introduction: Who Sings Barbershop?

Examples of Barbershop Quartets:

Examples of Barbershop Choruses:

Chapter 1 – The Barbershop Family Tree: A Brief History of Barbershop

Examples of Stephen Foster Songs:

Examples of African-American Roots:

Examples of Early Commercial Quartets:

Examples of Early SPEBSQSA (Barbershop Harmony Society) Quartets:

Examples of Early Sweet Adelines International Quartets:

Examples of Mixed Harmony Quartets:

History of Barbershop links:

Chapter 2 – Singing and Voice Science (Scott McCoy)

Chapter 3 – Vocal Health and the Singer of Sacred Music (Wendy LeBorgne)

Chapter 4 – The Barbershop Style: “Let’s Bust a Chord!”

Chordbusters March:

Just Intonation versus Equal Temperament:

Examples of the Barbershop Ballad:

Examples of the Barbershop Uptune:

Examples of the Barbershop Swing Tune:

Example of Bell Chords:

Chapter 5 – Barbershop Singing Technique: From Shower to Spotlight

Barbershop Harmony Society

Sweet Adelines International (SAI) Quartets:

Harmony, Inc. (HI) Quartets:

Chapter 6 – Barbershop Ensembles: You Can’t Do It Alone!

Barbershop Ensembles Referenced in This Chapter:

Purchasing Sheet Music:

Listings of Arrangers:

Chapter 7 – Singing as One Voice: Techniques for Achieving Unit Sound

Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) Choruses:

Sweet Adelines International (SAI) Choruses:

Harmony, Inc. (HI) Choruses:

Chapter 8 – Standards for Barbershop Singing: Here Comes the Judge

International Champion Quartets (BHS):

International Champion Quartets (SAI):

International Champion Quartets (HI):

International Champion Choruses (BHS):

International Champion Choruses (SAI):

International Champion Choruses (HI):

Chapter 9 – Becoming a Better Barbershopper: Education in the Craft

Barbershop Resources and Websites:

Examples of Youth Barbershop Ensembles: