National Musical Theatre Competition - Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the eligibility and repertoire requirements for the National Musical Theatre Competition? The National Musical Theatre Competition is open to all musical theatre soloists ages 22-30 as of the application deadline date. Eligibility and Repertoire Requirements are listed on the NMTC main page.
- How do I apply for the National Musical Theatre Competition? First, make sure that you can enter by viewing the Eligibility and Repertoire Requirements. Have all of the following information for the songs you will offer in your entry: Song’s Title, Character’s Name, Title of Musical, First and Last Names of the Composer and Lyricist of the Song, Song’s Key, and Song’s Duration (M:S). If you are opting to submit videos in the preliminary competition, you must complete your application by the published deadline. You will have approx. 30 days after the application deadline to upload your preliminary competition videos. See exact dates on the competition’s timeline.
- Why is the National Musical Theatre Competition not open to high school students and those over 30? The National Musical Theatre Competition is searching for the best emerging musical theatre performers, who are prepared and qualified to move into the next stage of their professional careers on stage and need the exposure and support this competition offers.
- Is the National Musical Theatre Competition open to everyone worldwide? Yes, anyone in the world may apply. However, there are no travel stipends available for travel to any level of the competition.
- Are any travel arrangements covered for competitors? No travel costs are provided or reimbursed for competitors’ live competition.
- I have completed my application for the live preliminaries. When will I be notified of the exact date, time, and location of my audition? Approximately 3-4 weeks prior to the live preliminary competition dates, applicants will be sent a specific date and time, along with information about the exact location of live preliminaries.
- Will microphones for amplification be permitted at any level in the National Musical Theatre Competition? There will be no amplification available at live preliminary competition. The determination of whether there will be amplification offered to participants for the final showcases will be based on the size and acoustic quality of the room in which they occur. We recommend that you prepare selections as if there will be no amplification.
- Am I allowed to transpose the keys of my musical theatre repertoire? Published transpositions of musical theatre songs are permitted, but singers are expected to retain the composer's intended style of music and to convey the essence of the character portrayed in the larger work. Performances not fulfilling these requirements may result in lower scores from adjudicators.
- Will this competition’s adjudication be influenced by the style of singing’s matching or not matching that of each song’s original conception? Yes, changes from the original conception of a musical theatre song is not a wise choice in this competition. We do seek authentic vocals—not impersonations of the original cast’s artistic choices.
- How do I provide the adjudicators with my repertoire if I am selected for the semifinal callbacks and/or finalists' showcases? Adjudicators will receive a list of the song titles submitted on your application. In the semifinal callbacks, competitors will sing from their entered songs one full song of their choosing, and adjudicators will then choose additional songs from your list of songs entered for you to perform. Contestants advancing to finals will construct a 15-minute showcase featuring songs of their choosing from the repertoire list submitted on the application.
Video Submission Guidelines