NATS National Student Auditions Resource Center
Each year NATS chapters and regions host auditions (the National Student Auditions or NSA), exciting experiences where singers perform and receive written feedback about their performances. At these events singers meet and hear other singers, NATS teachers get to know their colleagues better, and everyone has the chance to hear a variety of songs.
- NSA Categories, Requirements, and Resources
- Register and Enter Students Online:
- NSA Adjudication Resources
- Video Resource Library
- Promotional Materials/Branding Resources
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
NSA Categories, Requirements, and Resources
- NSA Full Regulations
- All NSA Categories of Entry
- American Negro Spiritual Category Resources
- Children & Youth Category Resources
- Commercial Music NSA Category Resources
- Hall Johnson Spirituals Competition Resources
- Musical Theatre NSA Category Resources
Register and Enter Students Online: AuditionWare
- Audition Chair NSA Orientation 2024-25
- For NSA Audition Coordinators ONLY: Setup your NSA Event
- To Enter Students in Chapter, District, or Region NSA Events: Go to your member homepage and scroll down to click on the green AuditionWare button for a single sign-in to
- NSA Minor Chaperone Form (fillable signature pdf)
- NSA Video Submissions Guidelines (PDF)
- Student Pre-registration Form for Teachers (fillable PDF)
NSA Adjudication Resources
- Rubrics
- Adjudication Forms
- NSA Children & Youth Adjudicator Training
- NSA Classical Adjudicator Training
- NSA Commercial Music Adjudicator Training
- NSA Musical Theatre Adjudicator Training
- NSA Spirituals Adjudicator Training
- Adjudication Best Practices
- Sample Comments for Classical Categories
- Sample SHORT and AMPLIFIED COMMENTS for Classical Categories
- Sample Comments For Musical Theatre Categories
Video Resource Library
The Art of Being a Great Adjudicator (1:04:08)
Tips for adjudicating musical theatre categories of the NATS Student Auditions (46:17)
Best practices for recording a quality audition video (4:37)
Promotional Materials/Branding Resources
- NSA branding guidelines (logo and name usage)
- Media Release Template (Event Preview) - .docx
l .pdf
- Media Release Template (Event Results) - .docx
l .pdf
- Logo formats - .png | .jpg | .pdf | .svg
- .png offers transparent background and is good for digital use
- .jpg and .pdf are common file formats for a variety of uses
- .svg is a vector file and will reproduce well at nearly any size