Giving to NATS

Voice education and the art of singing is our priority. Whether you are a teacher, collaborative pianist, performer, voice specialist, choral director, composer, or patron of the arts, the National Association of Teachers of Singing represents you and your aspirations. Giving to NATS means that NATS can fund vocal arts and voice professionals the way they should be.

Current times call for the arts more than ever. And yet, this can be a challenging time for voice professionals. It is times like these when you can clearly see the need for NATS. Fortunately, NATS is here to support voice professionals within the studio, classroom, clinic, and performance venue. Your gift to NATS will position us for an even brighter future – one in which the NATS community forges ahead together toward the highest standards of the vocal art!

Give now

Support the NATS programs you love

An unrestricted gift to NATS allows us maximum flexibility. But you may also tailor your support with a gift directed to your favorite program or to a fund designed for a specific purpose. NATS has named funds and endowments that enhance student scholarships, competition prizes, and professional development. Many of these funds also honor the legacy of our leaders and donors.

A list of current endowments and restricted funds that you may contribute to is found here. If you wish to establish a new fund, please contact Development Director Jen Jimenez.

Naming Prizes and Awards

Honor loved ones and esteemed colleagues by funding a NATS prize or award for the National Student Auditions, the NATS Artist Awards, the National Musical Theatre Competition, or other programs. This can be done for a year, for a defined period, or in perpetuity.

Currently funded prizes and awards are found here. For more information, please contact Development Director Jen Jimenez.

Ways to give to NATS

Cash – This is the most common gift made, via check or credit card.  It benefits NATS immediately. In return, your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Securities – Stock that has appreciated in value is a great charitable gift. You may transfer stock to NATS electronically through your broker. Contact our Development Director, Bob Bryan, to request our client identification number with Ameriprise Financial Services.

IRA Assets - You may roll over up to $100,000 annually to qualified charities. If you file a joint return, your spouse can also make a gift from his/her IRA up to $100,000. A rollover gift is not tax deductible; however, the gift will reduce your taxable income because it will reduce the required minimum distribution you must take each year.

Bank and Brokerage Accounts – Most states allow you to designate a beneficiary for these accounts through a transfer-on-death (TOD) designation. (You may add or change beneficiary designations at any time.)

Life Insurance – Consider naming NATS as the beneficiary of a policy you no longer need. You could also donate the policy to us during your lifetime.  If premiums are still owed, your payment of the premiums is considered a tax-deductible gift.

Real Estate – Give appreciated property directly to NATS during your lifetime. This qualifies you for a tax deduction for its fair market value and eliminates capital gains taxes if you have owned the property for more than one year.


Please contact Development Director Jen Jimenez or call the NATS Executive Office at 904-992-9101.

Pledge Form (Printable PDF)