Vocal injury
Introduction to Larynx, Pharynx, and Airway Anatomy (Article)
This 15-minute video uses models, diagrams and several endoscopy videos to demonstrate the anatomy and phyisology of the vocal tract, touching briefly on the airway's role in swallowing and focusing primarily on speech. Endoscopy videos are included, showing the difference between healthy and damaged vocal folds. (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)
Incredible Human Machine (3/9) (Article)
This 10-minute video was produced by National Geographic as part of their ‘Incredible Human Machine’ series. This video focuses on Steven Tyler (of the band Aerosmith), his vocal prowess, and resulting vocal bleed after overuse. The video includes endoscopy of Tyler’s vocal folds, as well as the surgery to treat his vocal bleed. (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)
Premenstrual Syndrome and its Effects on Laryngeal Functionality: An Approach for Singers and Pedagogues (Article)
An exploration of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Voice Syndrome (PMVS) that details the ways in which singers may be physically and emotionally affected. Based on a number of medical studies of the phenomenon, the author provides strategies for students and teachers to address this highly personal subject sensitively and effectively. [pp. 27-34] (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)