Voice misuse

Consulting a Voice Doctor: When? (Article)
The article assists singing teachers and others in understanding when a laryngologist (voice specialist) should be consulted, and especially when one should be consulted urgently. (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)

Dispelling Vocal Myths. Part 3: "Sing OVER Your Cold! (Article)
Continuing the series begun in 2010, Michael aims to clarify misconceptions about vocal production. In this installment Michael and Goding examine some myths and truths about vocal fold swelling, particularly as it pertains to upper respiratory infection (URI). For part one see 66, no. 5 (547-551); part two 67, no. 4 (417-421); part four 69, no. 2 (167-172). (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)