
vocal fold scarring audio file (Article)
This audio clip is of a music teacher with scarring of the vocal fold, residual to surgical removal of a vocal fold polyp without adequate post-operative care instructions. Notice how the breathy, strained quality sounds similar to nodules or some other lesion of the vocal folds, reminding us that it is imperative to have a laryngeal examination before trying to treat, or work with, a voice that is obviously disorderd. (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)

vocal fold scar pitch glides audio file (Article)
This audio clip is of a music teacher with scarring of the vocal fold, residual to surgical removal of a vocal fold polyp without adequate post-operative care instructions. Notice how the breathy, strained quality sounds similar to nodules or some other lesion of the vocal folds, especially with the loss of higher pitches. This reminds us that it is imperative to have a laryngeal examination before trying to treat, or work with, a voice that is obviously disorderd. (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)