Lateral circoarytenoid

Anatomia (Article)
This interactive resource provides animated views of the internal structures of the larynx and the mucosa, allowing the user to view animations of muscle contraction in all planes, complete with descriptions and definitions. Additionally, images of a larynx dissection, video clips of normal vocal fold function and of vocal fold pathologies, and some clinical case studies are available. Learning objectives and self-quizzes are also included. (posted 5:28 PM, February 8, 2015)

Interactive Atlas of the Larynx (Article)
An interactive diagram of the larynx. This resource demonstrates how the larynx is constructed and how different parts of the larynx work separately and together. Includes visuals of how the intrinsic muscles of the larynx work. A wonderful resource for any undergraduate pedagogy class. (posted 8:31 PM, November 13, 2014)

How the LCA and IA muscles adduct (close) the glottis (Article)
This very brief (1 minute) video shows a demonstration of the action of the lateral cricoarytenoids and interaryenoids in adducting the vocal folds and closing the posterior glottic gap, using an excised cow larynx. THere is a biref demonstration of both the posterior cricoarytenoid and the cricothyroid muscles. (posted 2:34 PM, August 27, 2014)