Pedagogy > An Introduction to the McClosky Technique

An Introduction to the McClosky Technique

by Maria Argyros
This article is a brief description of the work of David Blair McClosky and the techniques for healthy voice use that he developed over 60 years ago. Mr. McClosky was a pioneer in the field of voice science and his work continues to help singers, music teachers, choir directors, and other professional voice users to regain and enhance a healthy voice. This article explains the essence of the techniques which include body alignment, abdominal breathing, balanced onset, and six specific areas of relaxation of the extrinsic muscles. Application of these techniques provide a physiological approach to vocal production that coordinates the body as a vocal instrument.
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    Editor's Review
    This brief article gives an introduction to the McClosky technique, a well-known system of voice instruction. While Vocapedia does not endorse any particular approach to vocal pedagogy, the editors feel it may be helpful to provide information about basic premises of approaches that singers and singing teachers are likely to encounter, and that do not violate principles of anatomic accuracy.
    by Sue Anne Gershenzon,
    I am a huge fan of the McClosky Technique and was helped tremendously by it. I had a long professional career, and suddenly developed a shake in my voice. Maria identified the issue as a habitually tense tongue. I had no idea that for all of those years I was singing with a handicap. It has taken me about two years to identify and undo habitual tension, however, Maria comforted me by saying I could consider it as an athletic injury. And in fact, it has healed just in that way My voice is back and sounding young and fresh again. It is amazing to me, as if a miracle. I am eternally grateful to Maria Argyros and the knowledge of the wonderful McClosky technique.

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