Anatomy & Physiology > Interactive Atlas of the Larynx

Interactive Atlas of the Larynx

by Ahmet Sinav, M.D.
An interactive diagram of the larynx. This resource demonstrates how the larynx is constructed and how different parts of the larynx work separately and together. Includes visuals of how the intrinsic muscles of the larynx work. A wonderful resource for any undergraduate pedagogy class.
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    Editor's Review
    This site offers an excellent anatomy review. The site is a bit clunky; we couldn't get all the features to work. But it provides clear views of anatomical features of the larynx, in several views. Clicking on the schematics of muscles shows their contraction. There are brief videos. Unfortunately, we could not use the Lecture or Dissection buttons. There is not much physiology, but the anatomy is very well covered. Highly recommended for those who want a better understanding of laryngeal anatomy.

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