Rachel Stoddard
Style: Pop; Classical; Musical Theatre

Bio: I have been a music educator in the Phoenix area for the past 25 years. My experience includes directing choirs of all ages, teaching private voice and piano lessons, directing musicals and performing in various choral groups and musical theater productions. Currently I run a private voice and piano studio and teach voice and direct the Advanced HS Choir at Rosie's House in Phoenix.
Voice Type: Soprano
Music Styles Taught: Pop; Classical; Musical Theatre
Availability: I have a wait-list for private lessons; I am available as a clinician or presenter; I offer lessons in a group environment
Contact Information
Phoenix, AZ
USA 85050
TEL: 602-292-0351
E-mail: stoddardmusicstudio@gmail.com
Web: www.stoddardmusicstudio.com
Vcard: import to my address book