JoAnne M. Mead

Style: Opera; Jazz; Folk; Classical; Pop; Musical Theatre


Title: Instructor of Voice

Bio: Teaching in a private, comfortable, studio in Swanzey, New Hampshire just a few miles from Keene. Students teen to adult learn correct vocal technique for healthy singing in all genres. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education and Elementary Education with a concentration in voice. Post graduate work includes extensive vocal study. I am an active performer singing opera, musical theatre, concert and rectial. I am also an active musical director and vocal coach in area schools, and for community organizations in the Monadnock Region. My passion is guiding my students to become confident singers and performers!

Voice Type: Soprano

Music Styles Taught: Opera; Jazz; Folk; Classical; Pop; Musical Theatre

Availability: I am available as a performer; I am currently accepting private students; I am available as a clinician or presenter

Contact Information


PO Box 54
Keene, NH
Usa 03431-0054

TEL: (603) 352-5018

Web: JoAnne Mead Voice Teacher Linkedin

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