Teddy B. Victor
Style: Pop; Opera; Rock; Classical; Musical Theatre

Title: Vocal Coach
Bio: Teddy B. Victor is a vocal coach, performer and songwriter based in Snohomish County, Washington. With a B.M. in Voice Performance from Lawrence University Conservatory of Music, 14 years of experience in student, community and regional opera and musical theatre productions, a capella and choral experience, and a self-produced original album under their belt, Teddy has a love for all styles of singing and the individuality of all voices. They aspire to help their students pursue their unique goals and interests in singing with an emphasis on mind-body awareness and a healthy, sustainable vocal technique. Teddy teaches at Applause Studio in Everett, Washington, and through their private studio Tonefellows. https://applausestudio.org/staff https://www.tonefellows.com/voice-lessons/
Voice Type: Mezzo-soprano
Music Styles Taught: Pop; Opera; Rock; Classical; Musical Theatre
Availability: I am available as a performer; I am currently accepting private students
Contact Information
Snohomish County | Applause Studio | Tonefellows
Everett, WA
USA 98208
MOBILE: (425) 236-9153
E-mail: teddytonefellow@gmail.com
Web: https://applausestudio.org/| https://www.tonefellows.com/
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