Kate Arthurs-Goldberg
Style: World; Jazz; Folk; Classical; Musical Theatre

Title: Vocal Instructor, Choral Director
Bio: KATE ARTHURS-GOLDBERG has worked in theatre, film, television, and radio. A mezzo-soprano, her musical theatre credits include: Matron Mama Morton in Chicago: The Musical and Miss Hannigan in Annie at JPAS, Aldonza in Man of LaMancha and Mother LaRoux in Cinderella Battistella at Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre’, Nancy in Oliver! and Lady Larkin in Once Upon a Mattress at Rivertown Repertory, and Maude the Witch in Treehouse Players’ Rapunzel. At Jesuit High School, she is the Department of Speech and Communications, Director of the Jesuit Philelectic Society, and Director of Choral Activities. As vocalist and music director for the Komenka Ethnic Dance and Music Ensemble, she has toured Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Poland, and is the Director of the Komenka Chorus. Mrs. Arthurs-Goldberg did her undergraduate work in voice at Loyola University and holds a Master of Arts in Arts Administration from the University of New Orleans. She is a member of the American Choral Directors Association, the National Association for Music Education, and the Educational Theatre Association. She teaches private voice lessons at The River Road Voice Studio in Old Jefferson, LA. www.katearthurs.com.
Voice Type: Mezzo-soprano
Music Styles Taught: World; Jazz; Folk; Classical; Musical Theatre
Availability: I have a wait-list for private lessons; I am available as a clinician or presenter