Frances Fenton
Style: Pop; Opera; Classical; Musical Theatre

Title: Professor - HCC-NW
Bio: My students range in age from the young to the very mature student. My goal is to bring out the best in each student and help each student achieve goals. \n \nI teach my private students in a college environment. In the past four years, my students have been awarded over $750,000 in scholarships, recording contracts and have appeared on national television. \n \nInternational Performer: Fluent in German. Excellent Italian, French.
Voice Type: Soprano
Music Styles Taught: Pop; Opera; Classical; Musical Theatre
Availability: I am available as a performer; I am currently accepting private students; I am available as a clinician or presenter; I offer lessons in a group environment; I accept students through a college or university program
Contact Information
Houston, TX
Usa 77042
TEL: 832-492-4721
Vcard: import to my address book