Rachel Ann Day
Style: Opera; Jazz; Rock; Classical; Pop; Musical Theatre
Title: Assistant Professor of Music
Maybe you’ve been told not to sing.
Maybe you’ve been told something about your body “isn’t right.”
Maybe you’ve been told something about your brain “isn’t right.”
Truth: There is nothing “wrong” with you OR your voice. There is nothing to fix. There is no “proper” way to sing or “right” way to make sound. Everything you want to do with your voice is possible.
AND by discovering how to communicate more fully through song, you may find harmony and serenity within yourself. When we embody music, as is only possible when singing, we become wholly human--vulnerable, unique, a little flawed, connected to others.
Voice Type: Mezzo-soprano
Music Styles Taught: Opera; Jazz; Rock; Classical; Pop; Musical Theatre
Availability: I am available as a performer; I am currently accepting private students; I am available as a clinician or presenter; I accept students through a college or university program
Contact Information
Online and in person
Maryville, MO
USA 64468-2523
TEL: 480-221-7390
MOBILE: 480-331-7390
E-mail: rachel@daylightvoice.com
Web: www.velardevoice.com
Vcard: import to my address book