Elizabeth E. Brodovitch
Style: Classical
Bio: BA Honors French and German, MA French Linguistics, ARCT Voice Performance, Research area: The singing qualities of French language and poetry; Auvergnat\n \nMy mission is to provide the singer with caring, careful, efficient, and confident guidance in the diction preparation for public performance of song and theatre texts. I provide diction coaching in French, Auvergnat, German, Italian, Spanish and English. Author with Lori McCann: Chants d'Auvergne. A Singer's Guide to Auvergnat Pronunciation. \n \nMy diction coaching expertise is the result of an on-going personal experience with all aspects of language learning in combination with a professional singing career. I have enjoyed over 25 years of diction coaching experience working with high-school, college, and university students, voice teachers, choirs, professional singers, and actors. \n \nTEACHING \n \nAn in-depth knowledge of several languages and of the singer’s specific requirements and goals \n \nA high degree of clarity, organization, efficiency, humor, and professional support \n \nA focus on the sounds and meaning of the text in its musical setting \n \nParticular expertise in French including liaison, French text-setting to music, and CD English-to-French translations. \n \nPublished expertise in the poetry and language of the Troubadours and the associations with French dialect pronunciation \n \nOnline diction coaching @ zoom: elizabeth@lyricdiction.com \n \nText recordings and IPA translations \n \nBIO NOTES \n \nRecording specialist: French and German listening labs for "Diction for Singers Listening Labs" (dictionforsingers.com) produced by Robert Caldwell CEO Celumbra, singing specialist, editor, author, and publisher. \n \nText editor of French and German for Diction for Singers, 2nd Ed. Redmond WA: Caldwell Publishing, 2012. \n \nWorkshops with Nico Castel and the late Gérard Souzay \n \nThree publications including "The Singing Qualities of the French Language" appearing in September 2007 in the NATS Journal of Singing \n \nWorkshop Facilitator: Italian, French, and French liaison in Vancouver, Calgary, and Seattle. \n \nGuest Presenter French Diction 2007 NATS Regional Conference of the North-West United States, Alaska, and British Columbia. \n \nProfessional choral singer (Vancouver Chamber Choir 1984-1990), soloist and recitalist, 16 recordings
Voice Type: Soprano
Music Styles Taught: Classical
Availability: I am currently accepting private students; I am available as a clinician or presenter
Contact Information
VCC School of Music, 1155 E. Broadway, Vancouver BC V5T 4V5, 3650 E 47 Avenue, Vancouver BC V5S 1E4
Vancouver, BC
Canada V5S 1E4
TEL: 604-438-3617
E-mail: elizabeth@lyricdiction.com
Web: www.lyricdiction.com
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