Jana Jo Holzmeier
Style: Pop; Opera; Folk; Rock; Classical; Musical Theatre
Title: Professor of Voice
Bio: Jana Holzmeier, soprano, is a Professor of Music at Nebraska Wesleyan University, where she chairs the Music Department and teaches Applied Voice, Singer's Diction, Vocal Literature, and Vocal Pedagogy. Dr. Holzmeier is an active performer in the community and region. She has a thriving community music studio which includes students from the Lincoln and Omaha communities, as well as surrounding towns.
Voice Type: Soprano
Music Styles Taught: Pop; Opera; Folk; Rock; Classical; Musical Theatre
Availability: I am available as a performer; I am currently accepting private students; I am available as a clinician or presenter; I accept students through a college or university program
Contact Information
Nebraska Wesleyan University, Rogers Center for Fine Arts, 50th and Huntington Streets
Lincoln, NE
Usa 68504
TEL: 402-465-2284
E-mail: jjh@nebrwesleyan.edu
Web: music.nebrwesleyan.edu/~jjh
Vcard: import to my address book