Cate Frazier-Neely
Style: Opera; Jazz; Folk; Classical; World; Pop; Musical Theatre
Title: Master Voice Teacher, Singing Voice Specialist, Musician, Somatic Educator
Bio: Co-author of "Singing Through Change: Women's Voices in Midlife, Menopause and Beyond, with Nancy Bos and Joanne Bozeman, StudioBos Media, Featured as an exemplary and pioneer CCM pedagogue in Dr. Elizabeth Benson's"Training Contemporary Singers" by Compton Press. 27 years as a regional and national performer in contemporary chamber music and locally in opera, oratorio, cabaret and musical theater. Founder of The Washington Vocal Consortium, the U.S's first and longest run team voice-teaching organization. Research, study and practical application of somatic education, health and wellness for singers, performance skills and vocal disorders since 1980. Currently a singing voice specialist, voice teacher and visual artist. Currently work with professional singers of most genres of classical, popular and world genres of singing. Loved working with ages 11-18 for many years.
Voice Type: Not Applicable
Music Styles Taught: Opera; Jazz; Folk; Classical; World; Pop; Musical Theatre
Availability: I am currently accepting private students; I have a wait-list for private lessons; I am available as a clinician or presenter
Contact Information
On-line Only
Zoom, Facetime, WA
USA 98506
TEL: 240-274-7397
Vcard: import to my address book