Jan Pedersen Schiff
Style: Pop; Opera; Jazz; Folk; Gospel; Rock; Classical; Musical Theatre

Title: Founder/Artistic Director - Singers Marin
Bio: In my vocal studio, care is given to address the specific desires and/or concerns of the individual, whether child or adult. In general, the voice lessons will cover the usual areas of interest: more breath for longer phrases; reaching higher notes; eliminating the "break"; greater volume; more beautiful tone quality; etc. My goal is for the singer to know their vocal instrument by understanding the muscles involved in the singing process. I believe that everyone has the potential for a better, if not beautiful singing voice.
Voice Type: Soprano
Music Styles Taught: Pop; Opera; Jazz; Folk; Gospel; Rock; Classical; Musical Theatre
Availability: I am available as a performer; I am currently accepting private students; I am available as a clinician or presenter
Contact Information
Palm Desert, CA
USA 92211
MOBILE: 415-302-9384
E-mail: jnpschiff@gmail.com
Web: www.janpedersenschiff.net
Vcard: import to my address book