April NATS Chat - Fear No Sound: Teaching Rough Vocal Effects in Popular Music

April 13, 2025

May Oskan  Blake Cline

Fear No Sound: Teaching Rough Vocal Effects in Popular Music

Featuring May Oskan
Co-hosts: Blake Cline and Kari Ragan
Sunday, April 13, 2025 at 7–8 p.m. ET (6–7 p.m. CT; 5–6 p.m. MT; 4–5 p.m. PT)

Rough or extreme vocal effects are commonly used in rock, blues, soul, and metal music. Recent research suggests that, with awareness and specific training, these sounds can be produced in a health protective way. This NATS chat will explore a functional approach to teaching rough vocal effects, and the challenges of developing evidence-informed teaching models for under-researched vocal styles. Guest May Oskan will share video clips of her work with students for demonstration and discussion.