Member Exclusive Deals

NATS members have access to exclusive discounts to help meet their needs for healthcare, insurance, travel, lodging, small business/office, vacation/entertainment, and more. Only members who are logged in have access to these options when clicking these links. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to do so after clicking any link.

Non-members: learn more about becoming a NATS member.

Healthcare + Insurance

MTNA and NATS are partnering together through the Trust for Insuring Educators(TIE) to ensure that our memberships have access to health, dental, life, and liability insurance.

Online Voice Lessons, Tools + Subscriptions


30-day free trial for members and students. (Not applicable if you had a previous account.)


Essential diction training resource 30% off to NATS members.

Logos_-_member_benefits-affiliates/CMT_chosen_logo_RGB_square.jpg  Get $10 off an annual subscription and access to over 600 unpublished songs.
Journal of Voice cover NATS Members can subscribe to the Journal of Voice at a discounted rate of $115 annually.
 Vocal Power Presents logo  

When signing up for a monthly subscription with the unique code, NATS members will receive two months free on the Vocal Power Presents website.




Choice Hotels Planning a vacation? Don’t forget that NATS preferred rate with Choice Hotels can now be used for both business and leisure travel!
HE_Logo_Registered_002_.png With Hotel Engine and your membership you could save 26% off public rates at 150,000+ hotels globally.
Motel6_Logo_002_.JPG NATS members receive a 10% discount at any of the 1,100+ Motel 6 locations.
RedRoofInn_horizontal_RGB_002_.jpg Stay at Red Roof Inn and get 15% discount on stays at all locations!
WyndhamHotelsandResorts_Logo_Blue_003_.png As a member of NATS you will receive up to 20% off the “Best Available Rate” at over 9,000 Wyndham locations.

 Car Rental

Hertz_002_.png Dollar_002_.pngThrifty_002_.png
Hertz is proud to provide car rental savings
to NATS. Everyday savings of up to 25% off
when reserving with Hertz.
Save 7% off base rates at participating locations with
Dollar Car Rental and Thrifty Car Rental!


member_deals-vaca-entertainment.png Logos_-_member_benefits-affiliates/CS-5536_Sams_Club_620x564_Logo.jpg Logos_-_member_benefits-affiliates/BonusDrive_logo_002_.png

MemberDeals offers savings on entertainment and national travel. Receive exclusive deals on theme parks, Broadway shows, movie tickets, sports, and more!

NATS members can join Sam's Club for only $24.88. Regular memberships at Sam's are normally $45.

BonusDrive gives users up to $500 cash back when they shop for and purchase or lease a select new vehicle through select manufacturers.

Small Business/Office


ODP Business Solutions


NATS members can save 10% on all services with 

NATS members can save up to 75% on over 93,000 products through ODP Solutions.


NATS members receive an additional 10% off the standard prepay discounts on Constant Contact®, Inc. email marketing and online survey tools.